Level 4 Missions or Wormhole exploration?

I have been playing eve for almost 8 months now. The latter months have involved being part of a large alliance, yet I stayed within my tiny two person corp in order to make the most efficient use of my main and alt. I like to be part of something bigger, but don't want to loose my independence.

With the exception of a few random skills, most of the points have been spent on creating efficient miners. My main is maxed in mining and barges, the alt with refining and the management of an Orca and all associated modules. My main is also specialized in assault frigates with drones and small hybrids maxed out. Essential outcomes from my dabbling in pvp.

Mining is something I find relaxing and I often fall back on this when my interest in the game is lagging. As part of the alliance, I dabbled in pvp, something that was exciting, but unprofitable and somewhat random in it's timing. Most of my kills were not the result of skill or planning, but due to lucky panic fire.


I guess I am not enough of a risk taker.

I have reached a point where my direction in training has forked. My main is days away from being able to fly heavy assault cruisers, and already is able to fly strategic cruisers. A miscalculation due to indecisiveness, but something that will at least allow access to both types of ship will make my decision as to where to go next slightly easier...

I love the concept of spending time in a C1 wormhole. Small enough to (hopefully) be of little interest to the serious WH explorers yet big enough to allow a significant profit.

The rough plan?

    • My alt (Tai Saan) will pilot a blockade runner loaded with supplies. Equipped with a cloak and probes, she will travel back and forth between WH and K-space with supplies and loot as required.
    • My main (Jonny Strange) will pilot either a Proteus or an Ishtar and will be doing all the hard work. My preference is the latter vessel, although the drones being eaten seems the biggest concern. Sleepers do that a lot apparently...
    • As a result of the alliance having a roqual, both my characters have a series of jump clones. It was a thought that if the entrance to the C1 is in low sec, it might pay to make the trip one way (at first). I can spend a few days in the WH, jumping clones if and when I need to take care of business back in Cat or Villore. Tai Saan can fly back in the blockade runner with loot and return with ammo and fuel if needed.
    • I would love to take in a small station. I am not even sure if this would serve any purpose other than allowing me to have a station so this part of the plan is still just a though.

The next few weeks I will be planning and charting this adventure as it unfolds...





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